The People's Roadmap
to a Digital New York City

Shape NYC's future digital democracy

Hello. We welcome you to contribute your thoughts to the 2019 People’s Roadmap to a Digital NYC. The 2013 Roadmap outlined 34 ideas — nine have developed into public - private partnerships — 14 were drafted and introduced to City Council as proposed legislation — NINE new laws were signed by the Mayor of the City of New York. This 2019 revision will guide the digital future of NYC for the next 4 years and more. Your input is vital!

What We're Doing

Spring and Summer 2018

In person and online listening sessions.

Fall 2018

Ideation review and initial ideas report.

Winter 2019

Writing of a new people’s roadmap and selection of issues for advocacy.

Spring 2019

Issue based advocacy at New York City Council.

How to Participate

We have set up a virtual conversation space where we can all share our feelings and ideas for a 21st Century New York City.

Project Updates

We have a monthly community newsletter, and would love to tell you more about our events, tools, or pass along updates about The People’s Roadmap.

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